Monday, 30 January 2012


yep it's valentines day on and there are new updates

first of all there is a new NPC player called Cammie ourworld is still working on her but soon she will be one of the popular NPC players!

soon there will be a new island on ourworld called vegas island. only people age 18+ can go. by the time vegas island comes to ourworld Cammie will be probbably finished and will be one of the NPC populars

there will be a new resident item coming to ourworld and it is for valentines day. a perfect bird house made outta gold

make your own account at  have fun!

moviestarplanet NEWS

thats not can buy

hey guys it's time for some moviestarplanet news

theres a new competition in moviestarplanet! have a look at the picture. there are new animations and theres a BRAND NEW backround. there are lots of cool new fashions and items for your movies and your room.

there is a NEW vip offer. it's the valentines day vip. it's for a year and with it you get a valentines boonie/a
hat/that water thingy of love/ and 50.000 starcoins COOOOOLIO

tthats not all. you can buy it for a week a month 3 months and A YEAR it's your choice ^_^

Sunday, 29 January 2012


me as a cartoon in my halloween costume :P im supposed to be a ceral killer at halloween

big post

my friend send me a link to this photo and i wanted to show it to you cause it's kinda funny. it's a picture of justin bieber as a girl GET IT somebody edited a photo of justin bieber and made him look like a girl

the PICTURE of msp on paper

i used to be friends with her on my account hejli on msp but sadly it got locked. i got hacked and the account swore so when i found out how to get it back i found it LOCKED for 200 years O_O visit her blog shes really epic. i dont think she renembers me so i sent her mail a reminder of me

my favourite band in korea.

 lol i found this on google images

the picture i found on the internet. a little picture taken in a lol moment of a cartoon
my friend send me a link to this photo and i wanted to show it to you cause it's kinda funny. it's a picture of justin bieber as a girl GET IT somebody edited a photo of justin bieber and made him look like a girl

the PICTURE of msp on paper

i used to be friends with her on my account hejli on msp but sadly it got locked. i got hacked and the account swore so when i found out how to get it back i found it LOCKED for 200 years O_O visit her blog shes really epic. i dont think she renembers me so i sent her mail a reminder of me

my favourite band in korea.

 lol i found this on google images

the picture i found on the internet. a little picture taken in a lol moment of a cartoon
i was 7 when i went to the hotel grand ideal MORE INFO ABOUT IT BELOW heres me as a 7 year old
here is a hotel in turkey. i stayed in it for 2 weeks and the girl in the picture is not me THAT GIRL is somebody that jumped right in the picture :I as i was saying the name of this hotel is grand ideal it is in marmaris turkey and has 5 stars and I NEVER  wanted to leave that place but sadly i had to leave it after staying for 2 weeks